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Facts About Ambien

The drug Ambien, whose generic name is zolpidem, is a hypnotic drug, more commonly referred to as a sedative. It acts to reduce problems which cause a lack of sleep - known as insomnia - by working to restore the balance of certain chemicals in the brain. There are two main types of Ambien: one, known as immediate release, is intended to help a person fall asleep. The other version, known as Ambien CR, is an extended-release drug. This has two stages - the first helps you fall asleep, while the second slowly dissolves, making sure that once you are asleep, you succeed in staying that way.

Potential Issues with Ambien

In some people, it is possible that Ambien will trigger a serious allergic reaction. If this happens to you, you should get medical help as a matter of urgency. Signs that indicate that an allergic reaction may have taken place include problems with breathing, facial swelling, swelling in other areas such as the throat, tongue, and lips, and hives on the skin. Memory problems may also occur in some people, to the extent that they may undertake actions such as driving or talking to friends, but retain no long-term recollection of having done so. These symptoms, also, must be assessed by a doctor, who will determine whether you need to change your treatment.

Reactions and thinking ability may also be impaired by taking Ambien. After you wake up from sleeping, having taken the drug, it is recommended that you wait for several hours before you undertake safety-critical activities such as operating machinery or driving a car. Ambien should not be taken by anyone who has drunk alcohol shortly before they go to bed. The drug can be habit-forming so, again, it is very important to monitor your use of Ambien and to get professional advice immediately if you notice yourself experiencing cravings or other strong desires to increase the dosage.

Conditions Which May Preclude Taking Ambien

Although not everyone with other serious medical conditions will be unsuited to taking Ambien, it is nevertheless vital that your doctor is informed if you have conditions such as liver or kidney disease, a serious lung disorder, mental problems such as clinical depression, or if you are - or were formerly - addicted to any other drug, including alcohol. Because of the importance of maintaining an individual treatment regime, Ambien should never be shared with any other person, and it should be stored in a secure location.

There is insufficient evidence from research to be certain whether Ambien is likely to cause harm to a fetus in the womb. If you are using Ambien and you are, or are trying to become, pregnant, then it is important that you tell your doctor. Zolpidem can be transmitted through breast milk, so may cause harm to a baby who is nursing. Again, it is vital to let your doctor know if you are breast-feeding, so that appropriate measures can be taken to protect your child.

Taking Ambien Safely

You should always take Ambien in the way directed by the prescription label and as your doctor has prescribed. Never change the dosage, even if you feel you need a larger or smaller dose than you have been taking. This will risk the onset of potentially severe side-effects. Your doctor will be able to answer any queries you may have about why you have been prescribed the dose you have, and he or she will also help you if you are finding it difficult to maintain the treatment regime which has been decided upon for you. A doctor can also provide you with useful facts about Ambien, which will help you to understand how your body should respond to it.

Ambien is not intended for long-term use, and you should not continue to take it after a month unless you have been told by your doctor that it is appropriate for you to do so. If you have experienced no improvement in your insomnia after a week to ten days, you should also ask your doctor to advise you on how you should proceed. When you stop taking Ambien, there is a risk of experiencing withdrawal symptoms, especially if you stop suddenly. Once again, the best course of action is to consult your doctor, although a pharmacist should also be able to answer questions on this and other matters relating to Ambien.


  • Some magic mushroom users report a "what have I done to myself" or "how far am I going" feeling.
  • Some Ambien which has been purchased on the Internet has been found to contain haloperidol (Haldol), which is a potent antipsychotic drug which has many dangerous side effects.
  • Women who consume in excess of one alcoholic drink per day have increased risk of high blood pressure, stroke, violence, suicide, and certain types of cancer.
  • Lortab withdrawal symptoms include but are not limited to, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, intense pain in the body, tremors, excessive sweating, anxiety, insomnia, muscle cramps with spasms, body chills, goose bumps, paranoia, agitated and aggressive behavior, increased heart rate, hyperactivity, dilated pupils, runny nose and eyes, depression and loss of appetite.