


  • Nearly 9% of individuals arrested in 2002 for crimes related to crack cocaine were Hispanic.
  • The antidepressant drug Paxil causes one of the most severe withdrawals in terms of how intense the symptoms are.
  • Inhalants are so popular among recreational drug users because they are legal, cheap, and often not really viewed as being a "drug".
  • Sleeplessness is a primary ecstasy withdrawal symptom that occurs when a person attempts to stop using the drug.


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Three Mile Bay, New York - Seniors/Older Adults

You may be astonished to read that today more and more seniors/older adults are entering drug rehab programs in Three Mile Bay, NY. Addiction is an issue that can impact anyone. Even the elderly who have much more life experience can fall into the trap of drug abuse and addiction. Typically their doctor prescribes a medication to help with the pain, anxiety, etc. They discover that the medication is helpful and may take far more than prescribed or in conjunction with other substances like alcohol. Drug rehab programs are an useful tool in helping seniors/older adults addicted to prescription drugs and other substances. A lot of elderly addicts are also struggling from co-occurring psychological health problems that are able to be treated in conjunction with their addiction difficulties.

  • Arbor House Supportive Living Program
    45.5 miles from Three Mile Bay, New York
    Arbor House Supportive Living Program is located at:

    53 Hall Road
    Hannibal, NY. 13074

    If you would like to contact Arbor House Supportive Living Program, you can reach them at 315-564-5506.

    Arbor House Supportive Living Program offers the following treatment services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient, Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons With Hiv/Aids, Gays And Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Men, Criminal Justice Clients
    Payment forms accepted: Self Payment