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Percocet Addiction Treatment

Percocet is a pain reliever drug that is most commonly purchased across the pharmacy counters. It is prescribed by doctors but over a period of time some develop addiction to this drug. This is a serious condition that has to be given proper attention immediately to avoid severe consequences. If the addiction is not treated in time, it can result in serious withdrawal symptoms.

Percocet is made of a combination of acetaminophen and oxycodone. The latter is highly addictive in nature and the latter is found in drugs like Tylenol. The structure of oxycodone is more similar to that of heroin or morphine. This offers instant pain relief and can result in psychological addiction. Percocet can be both narcotic and analgesic in nature. It can induce sleep when taken in normal doses and in heavy doses can cause coma or death. Because of its analgesic effect the drug is prescribed by doctors. Precocet blocks body signals of pain thereby giving a painless feel.

Combining Percocet with alcohol can cause nausea, fatigue, loss of coordination, palpitations and vomiting. It could be life threatening at times. Mixing Percocet with benzodiazepines can be dangerous.

Percocet addition symptoms

The addiction symptom surfaces when the user is unable to go without the drug for a prolonged period of time. Regular use of the percocet can cause discomfort leading to more intake thereby leading to the drug dependency. The pain experienced may not be longer in one area but spreads to all areas of the body. Flu like symptoms is common with Percocet addicts. Other common symptoms are sleeplessness. The pain can keep you awake for hours during the night. A Percocet addict gets irritated very quickly. Friends and family can notice the abnormal behavior as the drug affects the brain. Continuous craving for drug is also a symptom.

A host of side effects are associated with Percocet intake and some of them are depression, dizziness, constipation, drowsiness, constricted pupils, itchy skin, nausea, skin rash, vomiting, slow breathing, sedation among others.

As a result of Percocet addiction and suddenly discontinuing the drug can lead to seizures or convulsions. This is closely associated to the dependency of the drug. As quickly as after eight hours of stopping the usage of Percocet symptoms like muscle pain, insomnia, sweating, anxiety, eyes and runny nose, nausea, gastrointestinal distress and fever are dominantly seen.

Treating Percocet addiction

Percocet abusers have to undergo medical detox program to get relief from the addiction. Either a Percocet detox-program or medical detox-program is suggested. This can vary depending on the stage of addiction. A drug rehab staff member along with A.S.A.M certified physician is part of the rehab program. The detox program can handle any medical condition that follows as a result of withdrawal symptoms. There are many kinds of detox programs of which inpatient and outpatient programs are common. Inpatient detox program is far more effective. After the detox program it is advised to move on to Percocet addiction-treatment program that can evaluate your detox program and provide complete relief from the addiction.

For overdose of Percocet emergency detox treatment can work. Here opioid antagonist is an injection that can work as a chemical barrier to the drug. Also remember that Percocet is a drug derived from morphine which means an overdose could be life threatening. Similarly an excessive dosage can cause liver damage as it has Acetaminophen in higher content.

Detoxification is an inpatient procedure that requires regular monitoring and constant care. Clonidine is administered to control severe withdrawal symptoms.

There are number of drug rehabilitation centers that can help get rid of the addiction. But choosing the right detox center is important. Apart from medical treatment, right counseling and education is required to avoid the abuser from getting back into the addiction. The drug not only has to be eliminated from the system but from the mind as well. There are special therapies and life skill training that can work wonders for the Percocet addicts. Never attempt for short term detox centers as they will not be able to provide answers to chronic addiction. This is a psychological issue that needs to be attended only by professionals. With regular care and determination it is easy to move to normal life.


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