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Percodan: Drug Facts, Addiction Symptoms and Treatment

Percodan is a combination of oxycodone hydrochloride and Aspirin. It is prescribed to patients who are experiencing pain in a moderate to severe level. Percodan, like heroin and other opiate drugs, can be highly addictive without users being aware of it. Most prescription drug addiction is caused by patients who take in more than their usual dose because of the body's growing tolerance to it.


Percodan was manufactured by a company called Endo Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont. Back in the 1950s, this narcotic was considered non-addictive. It was conveniently prescribed to patients given its oral nature- compared to injectable morphine.

In an attempt to reduce the increased Percodan abuse in 1964, the federal government decided to require written prescriptions for its acquisition. Doctors were no longer able to request the drugs by simply making a call.

Clinical Description and Information

Percodan contains 4.8355mg of oxycodone hydrochloride, USP and 325mg of Aspirin, USP. Oxycodone is the semi-synthetic opioid responsible for Percodan's addictive properties. It is also a powerful analgesic.

The yellow tablet comes embossed with the word PERCODAN in one side and DuPont on the other. Another form of it comes in the name of Percodan-Demi which is colored pink with one side embossed with PERCODAN-DEMI and the same company name on the other.

It is important for people who have the following mental or behavioral problems to avoid Percodan.

  • 1. Substance Abuse
  • 2. Suicidal Tendencies
  • 3. Depression
  • 4. Hallucinations
  • 5. Regular Alcohol Drinkers/ Abusers

People with the following conditions should also take caution in ingesting Percodan.

  • 1. Allergies. Symptoms can range from asphyxiation to swelling of the tongue, lips, face or throat. Extreme itchiness is also likely to occur.
  • 2. Breathing and Lung Problems. Percodan can cause respiratory depression for patients with existing pulmonary diseases. People who use Percodan may possibly experience difficulty in breathing and apnea.

Percodan Side Effects

Percodan side effects can range from minor to severe. Other times, people don't experience any effect at all. The most common side effects of this drug are listed as:

  • 1. Drowsiness (often times, the user is half asleep)
  • 2. Nausea
  • 3. Upset Stomach
  • 4. Stomach Cramps
  • 5. Dizziness/ Lightheadedness
  • 6. Heartburn
  • 7. Constipation
  • 8. Dry Mouth
  • 9. Increase in Intracranial Pressure (due to the opioid's effect on the respiratory system therefore causing the retention of carbon dioxide)
  • 10. Temporary Mental and Physical Ability Impairment

Severe side effects can range from an allergic reaction to difficulty in breathing. Percodan abuse or overdose can cause:

  • 1. Cardiac Arrest
  • 2. Coma
  • 3. Hypertension
  • 4. Collapsing of the Circulatory System
  • 5. Internal Bleeding (most especially for users who consume more than 3 alcoholic beverages in a day)
  • 6. Stupor

Psychological Effects

Narcotics and addictive drugs like Percodan alter the brain's normal function by chemically inducing an intense euphoric experience. This feeling of euphoria and relaxation is what an addict will look for- even to the extent of doing nothing else except for drug-related activities.

Oxycodone drugs are highly addictive. Percodan is no different. The following accounts are a list of personal experiences from people who have been addicted to Percodan.

  • 1. Aside from easing the pain, Percodan removes the feelings of anxiety and guilt. It takes away remorse and sorrow. However, when the user stops taking it, these feelings all come back at an intensified level where a lot of them often find themselves on the verge of suicide.
  • 2. The drug produces an euphoric feeling. But once its effect wears off, the user experiences suicidal tendencies and extreme agitation.
  • 3. The user loses the feeling of empathy and the need to socialize with people.
  • Percodan Withdrawal
  • Abrupt withdrawal or cessation of Percodan use can cause the following symptoms.
  • 1. Weakness and Depression
  • 2. Alternating Chills and Hot Flashes
  • 3. Uncontrollable Shaking/ Tremors
  • 4. Psychosis
  • 5. Insomnia and Restlessness
  • 6. Agitation and Anxiety
  • 7. Vomiting
  • 8. Blurred Vision
  • 9. Muscle Aches
  • 10. Abdominal Cramps
  • 11. Flu
  • 12. Sweating
  • 13. Diarrhea
  • 14. Loss of Appetite

Percodan Addiction Treatment, Programs and Rehabilitation

Percodan addiction is treatable. The first step is to admit that the problem exists and to ask for help. Knowing what to expect will also make it easier for one to recover.

More often than not, a rehabilitation facility will take part in a person's recovery from Percodan addiction. Their programs will include counseling and detoxing or gradual tapering. Concerns regarding rehabilitation care often come from the lack of understanding the process. So before anything else, it is important to further research on the chosen rehab center.

Others end up doing it by themselves or with the assistance of loved ones and family members. Outpatient rehab for Percodan addicts is also available. However, the person will still need to be evaluated whether this form of Percodan addiction treatment is adequate enough. Workshops and group counseling often contribute to the recovery.

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers have the advantage of housing the addicts in environments that are drug-free. It's also a lot safer especially during occurrences of severe withdrawal symptoms while undergoing detoxification.

Percodan Addiction Relapse

One of the most common reasons why people end up not getting treatment for drug abuse is due to their fear of relapse. Percodan is a habit-forming drug which can make an user believe that he won't be able to live without it.

The fact is, there is no assurance that one won't relapse. However, with the help of support groups, counselors and therapists, one can live a Percodan-free life.


  • Research indicates that a brain process known as long-term potentiating, or LTP, has been shown to be blocked in the brains of rats who were given as little as a single dose of morphine, which continued to be blocked 24 hours later in some instances.
  • Methamphetamine impairs the ability and the desire to be safe which could lead to riskier activity and behaviors, not just sexually but in general.
  • Smoking freebase cocaine creates a more powerful effect more rapidly, but it is also more dangerous because the safe dose can easily be exceeded.
  • Taken repeatedly or in high doses, Prescription stimulants can cause anxiety, paranoia, dangerously high body temperatures, irregular heartbeat, or seizures.