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Adderall Addiction Statistics: A Bad Problem that's getting Worse

Adderall is a very effective drug used for treating people of all ages who suffer from either Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Even though the drug is classified as a stimulant, researchers discovered years ago that on those suffering from these two conditions it had the opposite effect. It settles down those that are classified as hyperactive, making it possible for them to concentrate and carry out daily activities more easily.

The problem is that more and more people are taking Adderall when they don't have ADD or ADHD. For these people the drug acts like a stimulant that helps them stay awake or be more alert. High school and college students seem to be the demographic most affected by Adderall abuse. Some may start using it to help them stay awake and study harder, but eventually they use the drug solely for the feeling of euphoria it gives them. This is when the problems begin. Abuse of and addiction to any drug is not a good thing, but the effects of Adderall can be particularly bad.

Adderall Facts and Statistics

Adderall is a composite drug, made up of the separate drugs dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. It has been around since the early nineties, when it was first marketed as a hunger suppressant. Doctors soon figured out that it could effectively treat children and teens who suffered from ADD or ADHD, in addition to its' stimulant and hunger suppression properties. It has the opposite effect on those who are hyperactive.

College campuses are affected by peer pressure more than any other environment. Because of this it is difficult not to go along with what everyone else is doing. These days a large majority of students are engaging in what is being termed "academic doping". Supposedly the drug allows you to focus better, study longer, and get better grades. This might be true initially, but eventually the opposite is true. This problem is becoming worse and worse, especially at highly competitive schools where grades are very important. The problem is even spreading to exclusive private high schools and prep schools across the country. Below are some of the alarming statistics having to do with Adderall use among college students:

  • Recreational Adderall users are three times as likely to use marijuana than their peers who don't use the drug.
  • Nine out of ten Adderall users are also binge drinkers. Half of these users are heavy drinkers.
  • They are more than eight times more likely to have used cocaine than non-users.
  • Adderall users are also around seven times as likely to use tranquilizers and pain-killers non-medically.
  • A survey of 119 college campuses found that almost one out of four used Adderall to help them study.
  • College students are twice as likely to use Adderall than people in the same age group who don't go to college.
  • In 2008, over 6% of college students had used the drug in the last year. That number is almost three times as high now.
  • A survey found that a percentage of students, mostly female, take Adderall because it suppresses appetite.

Addiction Facts

There is no doubt that Adderall works to suppress appetite and help you focus, especially when you first take it. The problem is, just like any other addictive drug, you develop a tolerance and need more and more of the drug to get the same effects. This can be very expensive, as you will need to buy more just to maintain the same feeling without going into withdrawal.

Withdrawal can be severe, but usually only involves mood swings, fatigue, and depression. In certain cases the mood swings and depression can turn into thoughts of suicide. For this reason it is not recommended that an Adderall user should stop using the drug all at once. Most experts think that you should slowly wean yourself off of Adderall to have the most chance of success.

The biggest danger with Adderall is that most people take it with good intentions, but can easily get stuck with an addiction that they didn't even see coming. This drug is extremely addictive and the habit is difficult to break. If you or someone you love has a problem with Adderall seek help immediately so that the abuse or addiction doesn't worsen.


  • Retail pharmacies dispensed 174 million prescriptions for prescription narcotic opioids in 2000 alone.
  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that around 5 million Americans are currently taking Xanax or a similar type of benzodiazepine.
  • PCP users may desire to taken the drug because of the mind-altering, hallucinogenic effects it produces.
  • Of the nearly 2 million substance abuse treatment admissions reported to State administrative data systems in 2008, 60 percent of admissions were White, 21 percent were African-American, and 14 percent were Hispanic or Latino.