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Effective And Successful Hydrocodone Addiction Treatment

Hydrocodone addiction typically commences when an individual is prescribed with the medication for chronic pain. Hydrocodone, being an opiate sedative drug can potentially cause addiction and dependence. Hydrocodone as a drug is known to slow down breathing as well as the heart rate while, producing a sensation of euphoria and tranquility. Recovering from hydrocodone addiction may be a difficult process but can be easily achieved with self-control, will-power, family support and appropriate treatment methods. The various treatment techniques designed to cure an addict of the drug addiction can be highly effective and easy if he or she willingly co-operates to undergo the treatments.

Hydrocodone Addiction Treatment: Detoxification:

As with other addictions, discontinueing the drug can lead to a multitude of withdrawal symptoms which includes nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, anxiety, stomach cramping, nervousness, shakes, tremors, chills, hot and cold sweats, soreness and bone and joint pain in different regions of the body. To reduce the severity of these withdrawal signs, suitable addiction treatment must be adopted. The initial step in the rehabilitation process is to undergo a medically assisted detoxification program that lasts anywhere between three months to a year, depending upon the severity of the drug addiction. Detoxification process makes use of a steady reduction of dosage of hydrocodone drug to the patient over a reasonable period of time to eliminate the drug from their system with negligible withdrawal effects. Once this process is completed, the patient is moved to inpatient rehabilitation in order to receive ongoing treatment in addition, to community based and behavioral therapies that assist in dealing with the psychological aspects of the drug addiction.


Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicinal treatment, whereby special needles are injected into the body's acupuncture points to regulate the "Qi" or energy of the body. Stimulating the energy flow helps to alter several aspects of mental and physical functioning. In fact, it promotes a natural detoxifying process from drug abuse and addiction. Acupuncture is believed to be effectual in decreasing cravings and promoting relaxation and calmness. It also assists in easing the frequency of occurrence as well as the intensity of withdrawal signs. Acupuncture is frequently preferred over many other traditional methods as it does not give rise to any side effects. The treatment is generally provided till the patient gets rid of the addiction completely.


Meditation trains the addict to focus on deep breathing, which in turn reduces stress, anxiety and failure to concentrate. Meditation makes use of a guided imagery or focal point through which the patient imagines them in a calmer and better place and this imagery literally guides them away from craving. Additionally, meditation offers amazing physical and mental health benefits that are imperative in the drug recuperating process. Meditation is a reputable and incredibly successful option that rids one of drug addiction, forever.


Yoga techniques such as breathing, stretching and relaxation can help to calm the mind and enhance concentration - two vital areas required for successful treatment. Also, with yoga, addicts remain in touch with their minds and bodies and gain optimum control, which aids in dealing with agitation, cravings and self-discipline.


In massage therapy, a therapist assists in releasing energy and loosening tight muscles and by this means they help to decrease pain. Massage also diminishes generation of the stress hormone cortisol. Moreover, the benefits of massage include releasing dopamine, which is a brain neuro-transmitter that aids to control the pleasure and plays a major role in curing hydrocodone drug addiction.


Hypnosis is another hydrocodone addiction treatment method that sets the patient in a concentrated and hyper-focused state. In this state, the hypnotized patient is not asleep; the hypnotist simply delves into the patient's subconscious mind by circumventing the conscious mind in order to find the core cause of addiction and help them in overcoming drug dependence.


Drug addicts are normally deficient in vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other essential nutrients that are vital to healthy functioning of the body. Also, months of addiction alters the neuro-transmitters in the brain that are responsible for controlling pleasure, stress, pain and nearly every function of the body. Therefore, proper nutrition is crucial to reinstating these neuro-transmitters so that behavior, mood and cravings are controlled better, particularly when the addict goes through the rehabilitation process.

Overall, it is extremely important to seek medical help if you or your loves ones are addicted to hydrocodone. Though the treatment process is complex and often painful, it is worth the trouble as it can help to save a life. Also, the patient's reaction to the treatment procedures is very important and it has been observed that hydrocodone addiction treatment's success largely depends upon the emotional support offered by the patient's loved ones. Hence, with suitable care and understanding, family members and friends can aid to strengthen the patient physically and mentally and help them in fighting and prevailing over the hydrocodone drug addiction.


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