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Lortab History And Facts

The active ingredient of Lortab is Hydrocodone - also referred to as dihydrocodeinone. This substance is actually a semi-synthetic opioid resulting from either of two natural opiates: codeine and thebaine. Lortab is a narcotic antitussive and analgesic; generally speaking, it is only orally active. Hydrocodone is readily available in tablets, syrups and capsules.

Hydrocodone is usually compounded along with other non-opioid substances that include paracetamol, also referred to as acetaminophen, or ibuprofen to supply a feasible synergy of painkilling effects between hydrocodone plus the non-opioid substances present. The specific niche where hydrocodone is most frequently employed is really as an intermediate analgesic that acts centrally. Sudden discontinuation of Lortab may possibly lead to withdrawal signs and symptoms.

Due to concerns and issues in regards to hepatic damage from interrupted use of paracetamol at high doses, a number of pharmaceutical companies are creating extended-release capsules along with other types of hydrocodone alone. Presently, these companies are Egalet, Cephalon, Purdue Pharma and Zogenix.

Initially developed by Knoll Pharmaceutics, in Germany, dihydrocodeinone is produced by virtually linking a hydrogen component to a specific number of molecules present in the formula of codeine. When the substance was initially released, the company thought that this approach would, in fact, make the codeine much easier to tolerate by the liver and stomach. Therefore it was intended to make it less dangerous to the patient.

In the course of this time, the government of the USA and the medical officials of the nation were facing a continuosly growing issue. It was a known fact that a large number of individuals were already showing signs of addiction to the Opium-derived substances present in the most well-known cough tablets and syrups of the time. In the final years of the second decade of the 20th century the government of the United States funded a research to analyze hydrocodone along with other medication compounds as alternative, less-addictive analgesics.

Dr. Nathan Eddy was invited to lead the research. Eddy studied and analyzed the main effects, as well as the safety along with the potential side effects of a huge selection of distinct drugs. These drugs included morphine and the most potent type of codeine, but also the newly discovered hydrocodone - present in Lortab.

Immediately after a number of somehow questionable, yet useful tests on different animals to establish the painkilling effectiveness of the substances, the scientist discovered that hydrocodone was actually one of the most powerful substances in the research with regards to analgesic effectiveness along with the possibility to predict a number of its unwanted effects. On the other hand, there was an issue with hyrocodone - it produced a significant euphoric effect on the animals that were studied.

The substance was potent, but in addition, it held the possibility to become extremely addictive. Dr. Eddy stated that it could be highly possible for a person to develop addiction to hydrocodone - the patient would not even know that he or she is developing an addiction to the drug.

In spite of Eddy's discoveries, hydrocodone soon became a tremendous success on the pharmaceutical market of the US and in the following years Lortab continued to grow a solid reputation as a painkiller, in spite of its increased potential to develop addiction.

Hydrocodone, presently referred to as Lortab, was authorized by the FDA in the spring of 1943. Hydrocodone is marketed in different forms - the most notorious trade name remains Lortab. Hycodan was the initial trade name.

Lortab is a narcotic that relieves and eventually kills pain by binding to opioid receptors inside the brain and spine. It can be used with or without food or water - depending on the user's desire. However, when Lortab is ingested with alcohol, it actually intensifies the feeling of drowsiness. The active ingredient in Lortab can also display chemical interactions with a number of oxidase inhibitors, as well as other substances that lead to drowsiness.

Lortab is, in fact, listed in the pregnancy category C of the Food and Drug Administration. Animal reproduction research and studies have demostrated that Lortab has a severe impact on the fetus. On the other hand, there are actually no adequate scientific studies on people, but potential positive aspects may well warrant use of the substance in pregnant women in spite of possible hazards. On top of that, an infant of a mother using the drug may possibly show breathing difficulties or withdrawal signs and symptoms.

Lortab is a prescription drug and, as a consequence, it should only be used under strict medical supervision - otherwise addiction will severely affect the patient.


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